


I had a Bingata experience class a couple weeks ago. The guests were my English teacher and his family from U.S. I’ve learned English for a few years from English teacher living in Nakijin. My factory is located in front of sugar field though,I could talk with American people, hear the story about their home town, meet friends different age, etc. I think these are gifts from teachers. I appreciate all of teachers.

C teacher was thinking many “only Japanese experience and only Okinawan experience” for the American family. Bingata, It is very Okinwan experience.

色差し中。putting colors.

色差し中。putting colors.

隈取り。筆を2本使います。making gradations with two brushes.


I explained the difference between Yu-zen of Kyoto and Bingata. Bingata Kimono wore by queen or princess of Ryukyu-kingdom and high society people in Syuri. I’d like to learn about Okinawan history.


At last, women tried on Kimono.

最後におまけの紅型体験!? Try on Bingata Kimono.

最後におまけの紅型体験!? Try on Bingata Kimono.

最後におまけの紅型体験!?② Try on Bingata Kimono.

最後におまけの紅型体験!?② Try on Bingata Kimono.



Thank you for coming and giving me a precious time.
